Slaggård Banke
Slaggård Banke består af ni fredede gravhøje. Området kan med sine 109 meter over havets overflade være med i superligaen, når vi snakker danske “bjerge”. Til sammenligning er Himmelbjerget 147 meter og Ejer Møllehøj 170 meter.
Fra toppen af Slaggård Banke er der en fantastisk panorama-udsigt – til Ejer Bjerge i nord, Gudenådalen mod vest og Purhøj ved Horsens Fjord mod syd. I klart vejr er det også muligt at spotte mindst syv kirketårne horisonten rundt.
De mange flotte høje ligger i et indbydende overdrevsområde med græssende kreaturer.
Vores forfædre havde sans for udsigter, og det er almindeligt, at de store gravhøje som her er placeret højt i landskabet, meget synlige over store afstande.
Samtidig blev højene ofte placeret i nærheden af større, naturlige færdselsruter i landskabet – måske fordi man lagde vægt på, at de rejsende kunne se, at her boede betydende folk.
Hver mand sin grav
De store gravhøje på Slaggård Bankes bakkekamme var enkeltmands-grave, som sandsynligvis er gravlægning af høvdinge eller stormænd. Man skønner, at der har været op mod 80.000 bronzealdergrave i Danmark. Med datidens teknologiske formåen var det et kolossalt stort arbejde at opføre en gravhøj.
I yngre bronzealder blev det udbredt at brænde ligene i stedet for at gravlægge dem, og byggeriet af gravhøje hører op.
Slaggård Banke consists of nine preserved burial mounds. With its 109 meters above sea level, the area is participating in the competition of being the tallest location in Denmark, and thereby a “mountain”. As a comparison, Himmelbjerget is 147 meters above sea level and Ejer Møllehøj is 170 meters above sea level.
At the top of Slaggård Banke, you will find a stunning panorama view of Ejer Bjerge to the north, the valley, Gudenådalen, to the west and Purhøj at Horsens Fjord to the south. In clear weather, it is also possible to catch a sight of at least seven church towers along the horizon.
The many beautiful mounds are situated in a welcoming pasture area with grazing cattle.
Our ancestors had flair for finding locations with great views, and it is common that the great burial mounds were situated on a high point in the landscape – so they were visible from great distances.
Simultaneously, the mounds were often located near larger and natural routes in the landscape. Presumably, our ancestors focused on letting the passing travelers know where distinguished people lived.
Each man has his grave
The large burial mounds on the ridges of Slaggård Banke were single burial mounds, which presumably are burials of headmen or noblemen. It is estimated that Denmark has had up to 80.000 burial mounds from the Bronze Age. Taken the know-how and skills of that time into consideration, it was an extremely difficult task to build these mounds.
In the later Bronze Age, it became more common to burn the bodies instead of burying them, and the construction of burial mounds ended.
Højdemeter: 109
Start på p-pladsen tæt på krydset
mellem Naldalvej og Østbirkvej,
8752 Østbirk
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